One of the most important thing of investing in stocks is finding the best stocks, which greatly determines the profit potential of your investment. You may have many ideas about how to screen stocks based on data-based quantitative investing and research, such as finding stocks with the fastest revenue growth in the current quarter or stocks with the largest increasing ratio in daily trading volume, but it may be difficult or even impossible to realize your ideas due to the limited information data available to you. This is where a stock screener comes in handy.

MarketSmith stock screener is based on William O'Neil's comprehensive, exclusive and accurate database for A-share and Hong Kong stock markets, providing you with over 100 quantitative indicators in 5 categories: O'Neill Rating, Financial Ratios, Price & Volume, Industry & Sector, and Pattern Recognition. With the stock screener, you can greatly enhance your investment research strength and gain more investment income. Major features in it are as follows.
- Strategic Stock Screening - Filter and sort thousands of stocks in whole market based on investment ideas, and quickly find stocks that meet your filter criteria during the research phase of your daily investing.
- Market Trend Insight - Screen stocks in specific style categories and observe comprehensive data metrics to gain insight into market and industry trends.
- Analysis Checklist - Create customizable analysis checklist to quickly analyze individual stocks and provide a basis for your trading decisions.
- Customize Columns - Use the default or customizable data columns to view stock information in different dimensions from technical or fundamental.
- Export Data - Export stock lists and data metrics to Excel, build your personalized portfolio.
- Guru Screeners - Preset model screeners to screen stocks by the investment philosophies of William O'Neil, Warren Buffett, and Peter Lynch.
To learn more about the stock screener, you can continue reading the following articles. If you have any questions about how to use it, or if you can't find data metrics you need, please feel free to contact us.